North Side Private Offices
Property Type: Office | Property Features: | Property Status: Leased

Property Details
Location Info
Address: 411 Main Street
City: Yarmouth Port
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Property Description

411 Main Street, Route 6A, ‘Fountain Place’, Yarmouth Port
AMG Realty has successfully negotiated more than a dozen leases for office space at this Yarmouth Port north side property. At this time, any space that becomes available is leased up almost immediately, and rents for office space are only going up.
The property consists of seven buildings, in varying ages and designs, brick walkways, lush gardens and a center, decorative fountain. There is a large parking lot in the rear.
Located on Route 6A in historic Yarmouth Port, in between Exits 72(7) and 75(8) off of the Mid-Cape Highway.

- Additional Parking In Rear
- Ample Parking
- Nicely Landscaped
- Office
- Rent Includes Utilities
- Second Floor
- Shared Bathrooms
- Shared Waiting Area