6 Merchants Road, Unit 8B
Property Type: Condominium, Office, Possible Fitness Facility, Retail | Property Features: | Property Status: Active and Sale

Property Details
Price: 122,000
Floors: 1
Square Feet: 480
Location Info
Address: 6 Merchants Square, Unit 8B
City: Sandwich
State: MA
Zip: 02563
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Property Description

Merchants Square Condominium For Sale-
SOLD- Merchants Square Condominium measuring 480 sq. ft. Space is wide open, has a cathedral ceiling, bamboo flooring, drop lighting and an overhead fan. There is a non-load bearing wall separating the rear section from the front, and a 3-bay commercial sink in the rear. In the front, there is a glass panel door, and a large windows, looking out on to the deck and walkway.
The bathroom is shared, off a common hallway in the rear.
Other businesses in this building include the Greek Caffeina Cafe, QuiltCorner, dog grooming and a hair salon. Other businesses in Merchants Square include Citizens Bank, the US Post Office, Merchants Square Liquors, Cafe Chew, mortgage company, real estate, salons and spas, numerous gift shops and more.
Electric heat. AC by wall unit. Condo fees are a low $144.37 per month
This space is vacant and ready to go.